Hello my Ministry of Fun DJ Graduate!
As one of my very first students of the Ministry of Fun DJ School, I am inviting you to join our next round of the Beginner DJ Program over these next January school holidays absolutely free of charge.
The program will run for 6 weeks starting from the week beginning 2nd January 2023 with live coaching and Q & A sessions held every Thursday during the program.
If you would like to join this next round, simply reply to this email and we will set you up with access to the program when it's time!
Hope you can join me!
Claire and DJ FADJ
Hi Reader! With only a few weeks left till the school year is out, as a fellow parent I’m sure you’re wondering how to entertain your kid over the (sometimes too long) summer school holidays. Well I have just the solution for you - The doors to The Ministry of Fun DJ Summer School Program for teens are officially open and due to popular demand we will now be opening enrolments for TWEENS (10 to 12 year olds) - with two separate coaching sessions each week (one for teens and one for tweens!)...
Hi Reader! With only a few weeks left till the school year is out, as a fellow parent I’m sure you’re wondering how to entertain your kid over the (sometimes too long) summer school holidays. Well I have just the solution for you - The doors to The Ministry of Fun DJ Summer School Program for teens are officially open and due to popular demand we will now be opening enrolments for TWEENS (10 to 12-year-olds) - with two separate coaching sessions each week (one for teens and one for tweens!)...
HEY Reader! There’s only a couple of hours left before you tell yourself that your teen is going to join next time. But before you tell yourself “next time”, just watch this video: Regardless if your teen joins me in The Ministry of Fun DJ Summer School Program in January 2023 or not, I’m already in celebration mode with my pug Dougie! I can’t wait to kickstart our journey together with my Ministry of Fun DJ Summer School students! I’m not your conventional DJ, I dance around…heaven forbid I...