🎧I’m here to answer your questions! 🎧

Hi Reader!

I thought I’d share some questions about The Ministry of Fun DJ School that I’ve been asked over these past few days.

“I prefer 1-on-1 coaching, my teen is quite shy and would prefer not to have their camera on for the Zoom coaching calls”

COMMUNITY is very much a big part of why I created The Ministry of FUN DJ School. Being amongst like-minded students will encourage your teen to continue to learn and be supported in a way that they may not receive in the outside world.

I wanted to provide a group coaching platform where Teens can not only learn with other like-minded music loving peers, but for your teen to be a part of a community.

We encourage the group to be supportive of one another and cheer each other on during the 6-week program. However, if your child doesn’t feel comfortable participating and prefers to just watch and listen that is totally OK too. They can even turn their camera off in our Zoom lessons and will still benefit from learning in the group.

“My Teen and I aren’t tech-savvy"

When you enrol in the program you’ll receive a DJ Kit checklist so that you have plenty of time to purchase the required DJ equipment before the program officially kicks off the week of 2nd January 2023.

We also spend the entire 1st week guiding you through how to set up the DJ equipment with step-by-step instructions to help you get everything you need for your teen to start DJing and how to set it up.

Plus our first live coaching call will be spent on troubleshooting and helping our students with set up issues.

What equipment do I need to buy for this course, is it expensive?

There are only 5 things your teen needs to fully benefit from this program of which you will most likely have 4 of these already:

  1. DJ Controller - I Recommend the Numark Party Mix II Controller (RRP $169) or the Numark Party Mix Live (RRP $229).
    **HOT TIP - Store DJ are currently selling the Numark Party Mix Live with a free pair of headphones!
  2. Laptop - which you may have already. I’ll be teaching from the Laptop using Serato DJ which is a free DJ software that comes with the Numark controller
  3. Headphones - these need to be wired headphones (not Bluetooth) and as mentioned in my HOT TIP above, you can get a free pair of DJ headphones from Store DJ, or if you are already on my VIP Waitlist you receive a free pair of F.A.D.J. Academy Headphones when you enrol!
  4. Speakers -You can use bluetooth speakers as long as they have an AUX input you can connect an AUX cable to the DJ controller.
  5. Lastly of course you need Music! - they don’t need a huge collection of music to learn how to DJ, PLUS as part of the program your teen will receive a FREE F.A.D.J. Academy Music Pack for your kid to use to practice their mixing. This is the exact music that I’ll be using to teach in my live coaching calls so your Teen can play and follow along with the same music.

“What if my teen can’t attend the live Zoom coaching and Q & A sessions?”

No problem! All the Live Zoom coaching and Q & A Sessions will be recorded and available to watch at any time in their online portal.

If they can’t make the live and have a question they would like answered, they can submit their questions prior to the live coaching session, so I can answer them either in the Q & A or in the community group chat.

If these have answered your questions then click here to join your teen into our Ministry of Fun DJ Summer School!

Got a different question? Hit reply and let me know! I’d hate for something as simple as an unanswered question to be the thing that gets between your and their dreams of becoming a superstar DJ!

Your very special bonus “DJing with DJAY PRO on Ipad” ($59 value) expires at midnight tonight! Don’t miss out, this backup plan may just one day save your teen’s gig if their equipment fails mid set!


Claire aka DJ FADJ


p.s. First round enrolments close this Thursday 3 November before there is a price increase.

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